GiE Training

Put gender equality into practice

GiE Training

Gender equality in emergencies training are for everyone.The GiE Group uses a Low-No model for trainings. Gender courses are low cost for everyone. There are a number of no cost places available on every training. These are reserved for Women's Rights Organisations from the Global South.

Rapid Gender Analysis

Secondary Data Review


Rapid Gender Analysis - Secondary Data Review is a brand-new course in which you learn to conduct an RGA in a crisis, working on your own context.

Analyse Rapid de Genre

L'analyse de données secondaires


L'analyse de données secondaires est un tout nouveau cours dans lequel vous apprenez à mener une AGR en situation de crise en utilisant les données existantes.

Gender Markers

Gender Markers


The Gender Marker Online Training is a three week course (3 hours each week) that takes you through donor, multilateral, and organisational-specific Gender Markers.

Gender Markers

Marqueurs Genre


La formation en ligne sur les marqueurs de genre, d’une durée de trois semaines, vous permet d’identifier les marqueurs de genre des donateurs et organisations, y compris multilatérales.

Rapid Gender Analysis

Primary Data Collection


An online course in which you learn to conduct an RGA in a crisis using new qualitative and quantitative data. It is the sister course to the RGA Secondary Data Review Course.

Analyse Rapid de Genre

La collecte de données


Vous apprendrez à mener une analyse rapide du genre en collectant des données primaires. Il s'agit d'un cours en ligne basé sur un scénario. Il s'agit du deuxième cours de la série de formations ARG.

"I cannot thank enough Greg and Isadora for the amazing template and all the recommendations you have given us about how to make reports interesting and valuable."

Name Surname

Diana, Red Cross

"It was totally worth it!I spend a lot of time writing and reviewing reports so it was reassuring to learn how accessible the RGA is as a process."

Name Surname

Jade, CARE Australia

"Despite being online training, it was highly professional and engaging through the diverse tools including the videos, webinars, community page and Whatsapp Group."

Name Surname

Lina, Save The Children

Our Clients

Habitat for

Custom Gender Training Services

The GiE Group is available to design new courses for organisations and for sectors.

Get in touch to discuss how to join.

GiE Training Coalition

The GiE Group uses a  custom Learning Management System (LMS) to enable participatory online training and substantive peer-to-peer review.

Get in touch to discuss how to join.

GiE Training Events

GiE Group collaborates with national, regional and global organisations to offer in-person training events.

Join the Germany GiE Training with Aktion Deutschland Hilft in June 2024

GiE Group’s Learning Management System

The GiE Group uses a custom Learning Management System (LMS) to enable participatory online training and substantive peer-to-peer review.